Tuesday 28 February 2012

Melbourne Sports Museum Critiques

1. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games emblem
     Date: 2008
     Artist: Chunning Guo
     Medium: motif (2D) and by simplicity, by theme

  This logo have three components:
   1. The logo like a chinese seal '京‘.
   2. Use the type face of Chinese pinyin 'Beijing;' and '2008', it is a symbol of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
   3. The five Olympic rings which is the symbol of the olympic sprit.
"Dancing Beijing" is the extension of the totem of the Chinese nation. Of the running of the "people" form, represents the beauty and magnificence of life. Beautiful curve, like the dragon wriggling, tell the story of a civilization past and future; It is like rivers and bearing a long years and national glory; It is like blood, arousing the life and vitality. In its dancing, "to the athletes as the center" and "people-oriented" sports connotation is art analysis and sublimation. At the same time, "Beijing" word and cleverly evolution for the "culture" word, meaning "humanity", reflects the Beijing Olympic Games, pledged to China's long "humanistic spirit" in the history of the Olympic movement of flow.

2.The 2000 Summer Olympics Games emblem
    Date: 2000
    Artist: Michael Bryce
    Medium: Movement and By converging lines Pattern

Green and environmental protection is Australia for every person the most deep impression, respectively in 1956 and 2000 in the country held two th Olympic emblem seems to be people find it. The 2000 Sydney Olympic Games emblem-" new century player "is an athlete is the image of the rush to the new century. From up to down it is easy to see the shape of the curve of the Sydney opera house used to express the torch, and the sun, rock, and indigenous swing mark is used to model the graphics of the athletes head, hand and abdomen. The emblem of the colour language the symbolic: blue, yellow, harbour the sun and sand and red inland land, highlighting the uniqueness of the Australian native culture.

Critiquing Tools

Art Vocabulary List:

1. Transparent: This word can be use to describe the art works without connotation. Its mains what is the art works meaning.
2. Palette: Where is the colour from and it is a material to drawing the art works.
3. Proportion: When we appraise a art work, we need look at the dimensional proportion and every part of art work. Then consider it has a right proportion.
4. Hierarchy: It is a system in which art work are arranged according to their importance, and also is a version of  art works.
5. Symmetry: The quality of having parts that match each other, especially in a way that is a attractive, or similarity of shape or contents

Adjective List:
1. Sandy: It is a covered with sand or containing sand
2. Flat: level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts.
3. Prickly: The shape prickles.
4. Smooth: A surface not any holes, lumps or areas that rise or fall suddenly
5. Sticky: Made of or covered with a substance that stays fixed to any surface it touches

Principles and Elements of Design List:
Elements and principles

Colour: Colour is a vision, it will effect people's emotion. They are used in art work, the different can constitute colour and the nice colour can  constitute a nice work. 
Shape: It is a particular physical  form or something appear on art work. 
Line: A long thin mark on the surface of something, it can contact each elements and also can be a part of elements in the art work, it can be a variety of forms to expression. 
Texture: It can express lot of messages and emotions, it can be 2D and 3D and pass though visual and physical properties to design work of art.
Form: It is any three dimensional object. It can be enhanced by tone, texture and color. Also can be illustrated ot constructed.

Dynamic: Put a element in a work of art and make it has dynamic felling.
Stability: It is main when client watch your work, he will feel his visual stay a same level.
Rhythm: Rhythm allows your designs to develop an internal consistency that will make it easy for you clients. It in design is also called repetition.
Scale: Much of the impact of monumental artwork such as Mount Rushmore is its sheer size. For example, Lincoln's head is 70 ft. in height (taller than the entire figure of the Sphinx). A miniature of this carving simply would not have the same impact. Conversely, a small work has a sense of intimacy - we need be close to the work to view it. Scale, alone, can change the meaning of a work of art.

Monday 20 February 2012

Style Time line

Style Time line

Abstract art, Art Brut, Abstract expressionism, Academic art, Action painting, Analytical art, Antipodeans, Anti-realism, Arabesque, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Arte Povera, Arts and Crafts Movement, Ashcan School, Les Automatistes

Barbizon school, Baroque, Bauhaus, Classical Realism, Color Field, Computer Art, Conceptual art, Constructivism, Cubism, Dada, Danube school, Dau-al-Set, De Stijl (also known as eoplasticism), Deconstructivism, Digital Art, Expressionism Fantastic realism, Fauvism, Figurative art, Figuration Libre, Folk art, Fluxus, Futurism

Geometric abstract art, Graffti,iGutai group, Harlem Renaissance, Hudson River School, Humanistic Aestheticism, Hypermodernism, Hyperrealism Impressionism, Institutional Critique, International Gothic, International Typographic Style

Les Nabis, Letterism, Lowbrow (art movement), Lyco art, Lyrical Abstraction, Magic Realism, Mannerism, Massurrealism, Metaphysical painting, Mingei, Minimalism, Modernism Modular constructivism, Naive art, Neoclassicism, Neo-Dada, Neo-expressionism Neo-figurative, Neoism, Neo-primitivism, Net art, New Objectivity, Northwest School (art), Op Art, Orphism, Photorealism, Pixel Art, Plein Air, Pluralism, Pointillism, Pop art, Post-impressionism, Postmodernism, Precisionism, Pre-Raphaelitism Primitivism, Purism, Qajar art,

Rasquache, Realism, Remodernism Renaissance, Rococo, Romanesque, Romanticism, Samikshavad, Shin hanga, Shock art, Sōsaku hanga, Socialist Realism, Space Art, Street Art, Stuckism, Suprematism, Surrealism, Symbolism (arts), Synchromism Tachisme, Toyism, Ukiyo-e, Underground comix, Vorticism, Verdadism

1.Name: Computer art
   Introduction: Computer art product from image, sound, animation, video ,CD-ROM , DVD-ROM, video game , web site , algorithm , performance or gallery installation. The main of computer art is that art use computer to create. 
   Date:  By the mid-1960s
   Example of Art: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wiki.picture_by_drawing_machine_1.jpg
   Famous computer art designer: James Faure Walker, Manfred Mohr


2. Name: Art Deco
    Introduction: Art Deco has many particular styles. The one of most important is that dependence on ornaments and motifs. The style usually symbolize the cultural politics of its time. Art Deco works alway use many materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, lacquer, Bakelite, Chrome and inlaid wood.
    Date:   This design style that began in Paris in the 1920s. Than the term "art deco" was first used widely in 1926
    Example of Art: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lempicka_musician.jpg
    Famous Art Deco designer: Claud Beelman, Hector Guimard 


3. NameClassical Realism
    Introduction: Classical Realism include all the painting witch product in late-20th-century, and they have high value upon skill and beauty, they are both combining elements of 19th-century neoclassicism and actualism.
    Date:The Classical Realism first appeared in 1882.
    Example of Art: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jean-Leon_Gerome_Pollice_Verso.jpg
    Famous  designer: Michael John Angel, James Childs

4. NameFuturism
    Introduction: Futurism is an artistic, also is a social movement. It want describe the concept of future and glory, including technology, speed, youth and violence. And some theme about car, airplane and industrial city.
    Date: Futurism is born in Italy in the early 20th century.
    Example of Art: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GBallaArt.jpg
    Famous  designer: Giacomo Balla, Anton Giulio Bragaglia


5. NameFolk Art
    Introduction: There is two parts as Folk Art. One is Antique folk art, the other is contemporary folk art. The antique folk art is gather today based mostly on its artistic value, it including fire buckets, painted game boards, cast iron doorstops and so on. The contemporary folk art  through the new performance to describe the traditional art.
    Date: 18th and 19th century
    Famous  designer: Eltio Circa, Natalya Goncharova


6. NameFluxus
    Introduction:  Fluxus is an attitude, the works are very simple, it always fun, the humour has always been an important element in fluxus. Some times, fluxus is described as intermedia, they use everyday elements to create new combinations of sounds, images and text.
    Date: in  1950s
    Example of Art: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gmaciunas-manifesto.jpg
    Famous  designer:  George Brecht, Yoko Ono


7. NameMetaphysical painting
    Introduction: Metaphysical painting is a style of painting that works of the Italian artists, it cross past and present. The works with sharp contrasts of lighr and shadow, it often had some mystique.
    Date: mainly between 1911 and 1920
    Famous  designer: Giorgio Morandi, Filippo de Pisis


8. NameHarlem Renaissance
    Introduction: Harlem Renaissance also called" New Negro Movement". It through the music, art and literature to challenge the racism and prejudice. It is the symbol of the black American culture, so the Harlem Renaissance main about Negro movement.
    Date: It about 1919 until the early or mid 1930s
    Famous  designer: Charles Alston, Jacob Lawrence


9. Name: Dada
    Introduction: Dada is an movement, people want pass though the movement to being anti-war,and it was also anti-bourgeois and anarchistic in nature. It including Pop art, Flucus, avant-garde, Nouveau realisme.
    Date: The first world war
    Famous  designer: Marcel Duchamp, Hans Arp


10. NamePop art
    Introduction: Pop art want challenge to traditions art, for example: news, advertising and so on,it is widely explain a abstract expressionism, also an expansion upon them. It is similar as Dada art
    Date:in the mid 1950s in UK and in the late 1950s in the USA
    Famous  designer: Larry Rivers, James Rizzi


Monday 13 February 2012


The history

This article is about the mythological bird. It has a lot of different history in world. In china we called fenghuang, In general, in ancient Greek and Egyptian legend,the Phoenix is a legendary bird. When the Phoenix know close to death, it will use the fragrant branches to build the nest, and then burn in the fire.there will born a new phoenix. The Phoenix's ability to be reborn from its own ashes implies that it is immortal, though in some stories the new Phoenix is merely the offspring of the older one.known from the "Book of dead" and other Egyptian texts as one of the sacred symbols of worship at Heliopolis, closely associated with the rising sun and the Egyptian sun god.

The adventures

There is a particular feat they say the phoenix performs: i de not believe it myself, but they say that the bird sets out from its homeland in Arabia on a journey to the sanctuary of the sun, bring ing its father sealed in myrrh, and buries its father there.

This paragraph come from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_(mythology)

The relationships

Phoenix with the God if son have closely connection.According to ancient Greek legend, the Phoenic live in a dry well around the Arabia Peninsula. Everyday morning, it will singing the song and its sounds beautiful, while , the Appolo will stop chariot to listen this song.During this time, the world seems only have the Phoenix.

The appearance

Phoenix is a big bird and it with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some legends). When it flight on the sky, it will leave a gold trace.

Analyse any symbols associated with the creature
Thumbnail for version as of 18:41, 30 September 2010
Phoenix has many difference meaning in the world, the most famous one is that the phoenix always as a symbol of immortality, rebirth, and renewal. As we can see from the picture, it is "0Provisional IRA badge".
In China, it is a symbol of immortality, resurrection and rebirth.

Interpret it's evolution through history and popular culture
This picture come from an animated cartoon. it is a typical popular culture. At present, when we tall about reborn, we will image the phoenix at the first time.

List three sports this Greek myth/god be used to symbolise and why?列出三项运动这个希腊神话/的象征,为什么呢?

These are some images about that use phoenix in sport logo:


Sunday 12 February 2012

My goal

Hello, everyone! my name is ran, I am a international student. Now, i am studying advanced diploma of graphic design. Firstly, my recent goal is improve my english level, because some times, i can not understand the all the information from teacher, and i just can do some basic communication with my classmates. So, it is very important for me. Secondly, the reasons of i come to Australia is that i want open my view, and also learning more things in here. At present, i try to study well. and make some friends in class. Final, i hopeeveryone all is going just as one wishes.