Wednesday 7 March 2012

Clash of the Titans

1) Who are the Titans?In Greek mythology , the Titans  were a race of powerful deities , descendants of Gaia and Uranus , that ruled during the legendary Golden Age .
2) Are the any interesting motifs you see frequently appearing (Eg. Lightning bolts)? How do you interpret their meaning? Can you name a modern version, of this motif, used today?
1. Pegasus: It is a very interesing motifs in my mind, it has a huge wing. Usually, it is described as white, but in the movie, it is black. It is the representative of the faithful.

2. The Zeus armor: This is a armor which belong Zeus. It is very blink. As we can see from the movie, it looks cool, we can conpare it and the others armor, It is the most conspicuous. So only the Zeus weared it, i think it means Rights and power.

3. A god of death: Hades also looks very cool, whatever appearance or power. He wear a black armor and both have six wings. When people image him, we will feel Evil and fear.

3) Is your Greek character in the movie? If so, does the film's interpretation match your research?
 Sorry,it is not in the movie.

4) Dose your Greek character have a weakness?
Phoenix not any weakness. Because when it feel death,it will born in the fire, that means it will never die. So i think it not any weakness.

5) Are any of the characters, in the movie, related (Eg. a mother or father, wife or husband, brother or sister) to your Greek myth? If so, how?
 Apllo will listen to phoenix sing song every day morning.

6) Is their a constellation of stars named after your Greek character?
One of the southern constellation. Located south of the Sculptor, Tucana north, Eridanus Grus. That is the Piscis Fomalhaut and Eridani Achernar two bright star between the patch of less bright constellation. Although not very bright star in this constellation, but basically can be seen as a newborn from the flames wings to take off the image of the Phoenix. 1603 German amateur astronomer the valle this part of the constellation named for the phoenix.

7) How is Medusa killed? Does your Greek character have a weakness?
Phoenix not any weakness. Because when it feel death,it will born in the fire, that means it will never die. So i think it not any weakness. Medusa is kill by Perseus. Perseus cut off her hand. he through the mirror reflection and see the Medusa than cut off her hand.
8) Sketch at least 3 ideas for your logo and add them to this post.

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